Tuesday, September 6, 2011

DIY Envy

Lately I have been feeling the urge to create and build something beautiful with my hands using natural materials; perhaps it's a nesting instinct (so unfair since most of the projects I gravitate towards involve power tools: not exactly an easy task for a tired, clumsy, overly pregnant mama). Still I can admire some of the handiwork of some of the genius bloggers out there (and maybe hope my husband will get inspired by this post!). Some of my favorite projects this year, hopefully some of them will make my to-do list:

My jaw must have dropped to the floor when I saw this DIY herringbone table, so gorgeous, I would have thought it was purchased for much, much more...
Emma's vintage oculus mirror will forever have me re-thinking rustic circular objects...

Making cement planters out of plastic containers? awesome. 

Mark my words, I WILL make this Lindsey Adelman chandelier in my lifetime.
All of the work these guys have done to make their apartment look like a million bucks; I can't even hide my jealousy. I desperately want to make those bookshelves...and maybe the table too!
Such a beautiful, creative project by Joel Henriques. Who wouldn't want a mid-century inspired playhouse for their children? 
I'm sure I could find a million more inspiring projects, but these definitely top my list. Any DIY plans in your future?

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