Friday, June 29, 2012

Smoked Pork Chops with Sauerkraut and Apple

The smoked chop was something unfamiliar to me. I'd seen them sitting there at the farmer's market for ages until I finally decided to take the plunge. And, oh baby, was it worth it!

The chops are fully cooked, so all you need to do is warm it through and give it some colour on the outside.

Heat some oil in a skillet and throw in your chop/s. While they are happily sizzling away, chop and onion and an apple. Turn the chops and put your onion into the pan around the sides of the chops. Now take your chops out and tent them with foil. Throw in the drained sauerkraut (about a cup for 2 people) and the apple. Let it sizzle for a bit and then glug in about 1/2 cup of beer, apple juice, or other flavourful liquid. Use this to scrape any yummy brown bits off the bottom of the pan.

Season with pepper (you won't need salt because of the sauerkraut and chops) and serve with a hot mustard. Yum!

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