Friday, February 10, 2012

Crafty To-Dos


Don't you find your pinterest is just full of things you want to make? I know mine is and I just never get around to it!

Eleanor and I had a little craft session today. We had to decorate a wooden frame for the daycare. It contains and picture of her and sits above her cubby hole. I will spare you the tack-a-rama of the finished frame. Suffice it to say that the items were chosen by a ballet/pink/girly 3 year old and comprised of:

  • 3 sparkly stocking butterflies
  • numerous charms, mostly pink and/or sparkly.
These were hot glued to the frame. Not tasteful, but my girl did it. Hopefully she will get better taste as she gets older!

Here are some projects that are on my to-do list:
Prudent Baby
Um, adorable! They would have to be a bit pinker/purpler for us though!

Moth and Sparrow
Argh! Dying of cuteness here! I have a couple of pregnant friends and I'd love to do some!

This is genius! You use glue as a dye resist.

I would love to do this with my kids. They love stamping. I am a mess-phobe though, but I should loosen up!

What is on your crafty to-do list?

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